Local 2266 would like to wish everyone a very Happy Holiday season with a special greeting and kuhngratulations to BPA Dan Dolan. BPA Dolan who was one of three Union Reps that have been wrongfully terminated in Swanton Sector this year was fully reinstated and relocated from Beecher Falls to Tucson, AZ. We thank him for putting his ass on the line for the Local and it’s members and hope he will be treated far better in his new home.
Dolan’s case is only one of a long line of similar cases that will be coming due in the New Year. We are confident that we will continue righting the wrongs of Chief Pfeifer. So far no one in Washington D.C. has been willing to correct this mess and according to Chief Pfeifer “…the agency allows this process to happen…” We can only hope moving into the New Year someone will at the very least get tired of paying the outrageous price tag attached to Chief Pfeifer’s losing fight against our contractual and statutory rights.