USBP Nation Wide Swaps (NWS) & FAQ

USBP and NBPC will begin solicitation for the Nation Wide Swaps (NWS) on August 17, 2015

As outlined in Sect. 11 of the April 28 MOU

For a BPA to be eligible:

  • Has served a minimum of 3 years as a BPA, is not the subject of any pending performances or disciplinary action, or is the subject of an investigation of alleged misconduct, that may prevent the performance of the full scope of required duties.
  • Has not received or been the subject to three or more disciplinary actions (reprimand to 14 day suspensions), or a single adverse action (suspension of more than 14 days) within the last 2 years.
  • Is not under a last chance agreement; and
  • Has fulfilled any time-in-station requirements associated with any previously approved relocation or reassignment..

Bargaining Unit employees wishing to participate in the NWS will have to agree to the following:

  • If I am granted an exchange, I agree to not request another swap for two years from the effective date of this requested exchange.
  • I understand that I may request  and be granted an excused absence without charge to my leave in an amount not more than 40 hours to enable me to make pre-moving and post-moving arrangements.
  • I understand that any relocation or other cost associated with an approved swap granted under Sect. 11 of the April 28, 2014 MOU are the responsibility of the applicant.

Bargaining Unit employees will have to fill out basic biographical information, including USBP “Enter on Duty” date (EOD). The use of Service Computation Date will not be allowed and will automatically disqualify an applicant.

Applicants will be able to request up to four locations. All selections will be made solely on the basis of seniority. Employees granted a swap will also take on the other employee’s Pay Tier and Shift .

The solicitation will open on August 17, 2015 0800 CDT and close on September 5, 2015 2400 CDT.

Agents will not have to request access or permission to any site prior or during the open-period.

The following link is only accessible by a Government Computer:

The following stations/locations are not able to participate in the NWS at this time:

Abilene, Albuquerque, Amarillo, Billings, Dallas, Lubbock, Midland, Pecos, Riverside, San Angelo, San Antonio, Twin Falls

For further information, please read the Signed OT MOU and NWS FAQ

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